WFBC Annual Meeting 2023
September 18th-19th, 2023
Holmen Baptist Church, Holmen, WI
The Lord Jesus Christ uniquely equipped His church to make disciples, and one important but often overlooked ramification of that reality is the preparing of future church leaders. Too long has the church abdicated that responsibility and privilege to parachurch organizations like schools, colleges, and seminaries. While those places are valuable tools, they were never meant by God to spearhead church leadership development, but to be tools in the hands of local churches to that end. With that in mind, the theme and focus of the 2023 annual meeting of the Wisconsin Fellowship of Baptist Churches is Developing the Next Generation.
Keynote speaker Jeff Brown will address leadership development in churches for what it is, a logical and critical extension of a disciple-making culture.
WFBC23 will be held on Monday and Tuesday, September 18 and 19, at Holmen Baptist Church (W7656 McHugh Ct, Holmen WI 54636).
Register here: